Conferences, workshops and schools
We are very happy to all the participants of our seminars, conferences and other scientific and educational events. To pass to the faculty building on Usachev Str. 6, you must have a passport with you and tell the security what event you want to attend. We make video-recordings of most of our scientific events and publish them online with free access. All participants are also registered, with the subsequent use of information in the reports of the faculty / laboratories / HSE.
Conferences 2021
- International conference "Birational Geometry" April 22, 2021,Zoom
- Summer Mathematical School "Algebra and Geometry" July 24-29, 2021,Yaroslavl
- Conference "Algebra and Geometry" July 30-31, 2021, Yaroslavl
- International Conference "Birational Geometry" November 1-30, 2021, Moscow, FM HSE
Conferences 2020
- International conference Algebraic Geometry: Methods, Relations, and Applications Dedicated to the 80th birthday anniversary of Andrei Nikolaevich Tyurin (1940–2002)
- 21 February 2020, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute
- Workshop on complex and algebraic geometry 18 March 2020, Moscow, FM HSE
- "Zoomerfest: conference"/"Young Algebraic Geometers" 11-12 July 2020, online
- Summer school "Algebra and geometry" 24-29 July 2020, Yaroslavl
- Conference "Algebra and Geometry" 30-31 July 2020, Yaroslavl
- Conference "Witt vectors in algebra and geometry" 21-25 September 2020, Moscow
- online school of Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry 30 September -- 2 October 2020, online
- Annual one day conference in memory of Andrei Nikolaevich Tyurin (24.02.1940 – 27.10.2002) 28 October 2020, online
- Workshop on birational geometry 19 November 2020, Online
Conferences 2019
- International сonference Workshop on Birational geometry, 25-29 March 2019, Moscow
- Hyperkähler saturday, 14-16 June 2019, Moscow
- Summer school "Algebra and geometry", 24-31 July 2019, Yaroslavl
- Conference "Algebra and Geometry", 30-31 July 2019, Yaroslavl
- International сonference Workshop on Birational geometry, 28-30 October 2018, Moscow
Conferences 2018
- L-functions and algebraic varieties: a conference in memory of Alexey Zykin, 5-9 February 2018, Moscow
- International сonference "Birational geometry in positive characteristic", 26-30 Marchl 2018, Moscow
- Summer school-conference on Brauer groups, 25-29 July 2018, Moscow
- Summer school-conference "Algebra and geometry", 25-31 July 2018, Yaroslavl
- Conference "Algebra and Geometry", 27-28 July 2018, Yaroslavl
- International conference Workshop on Birational geometry, 29-31 October 2018, Moscow
Conferences 2017
- International Сonference "Birational geometry in positive characteristic", 03-07 April 2017, Moscow
- School-conference "Algebra and numbers theory in Kaliningrad", 17-21 April 2017, Kaliningrad
- Summer school-conference "Algebra and geometry", 25-31 July 2017, Yaroslavl
- Summer school-conference on algebraic geometry, complex analysis and computer algebra, August 2017, Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region
- Annual memorial conference dedicated to the memory of Andrey Nikolaevich Tyurin, October 2017, Moscow
- International Conference "Transformation groups", 14-18 December 2017, Moscow
Conferences 2016
- International school-conference "Surfaces in positive characteristic", 04-08 April 2016, Moscow
- International conference "Hyperbolic geometry and dynamics", 16-20 May 2016, Moscow
- International conference "Monge-Ampere equation and Calabi-Yau manifolds", 23-27 May 2016, Moscow /
- Sixth summer school "Algebra and geometry", 25-31 July 2016, Yaroslavl /
- International conference on algebraic geometry, complex analysis and computer algebra, 3-9 August 2016, Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region
- International conference "Categorical and analytic invariants in Algebraic geometry 3", 12-16 September 2016, Moscow/
- International conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Fedor Bogomolov, 29-30 September 2016, Moscow/
- Annual memorial conference dedicated to the memory of Andrei Nikolaevich Tyurin, 26 October 2016, Moscow /
- International conference "Structures on birational automorphism groups", 14-18 November 2016
- International conference "Zeta-functions", 05-09 December 2016
Conferences 2015
- International conference "Algebraic structure in convex geometry", 16-20 February 2015, Moscow
- The schools on algebraic geometry, Irkutsk:
2nd school/II школа, 26.02.15 - 06.03.15
3rd school/III школа, 13.04.15 - 17.04.15
- International conference "Workshop of rationally connected varieties", 18-22 May 2015, Moscow with the support of the "Dynasty" / Video
- Fifth summer school "Algebra and geometry", 25-31 July 2015, Yaroslavl/
- Fifth school-conference on algebraic geometry and complex analysis for young Russian mathematicians, 17-22 August 2015, Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region
- International Conference "Projective Algebraic Geometry", 07-12 September 2015, Moscow
- International conference "Categorical and analytic invariants in Algebraic geometry 1", 14-18 September 2015, MIRAS, Moscow
- "Magadan Algebraic Geometry International Conference", 6-12 December 2015, Magadan
- Conference "Arithmetic Geometry: Explicit Methods and Applications", 7-11 December 2015, Moscow
Conferences 2011-2014
- 14-18 March 2011 International conference "Instantons in Complex Geometry", Moscow
- 23-28 May 2011 Summer school in algebraic geometry and complex analysis for young scientists, Yaroslavl
- Three conferences organized by the staff of the Laboratory jointly with the University of Vienna algebraic geometry group:
1-15 July 2011 "Homological Mirror Symmetry and Category Theory, Split, Croatia
- 1-7 August 2011 Summer school for students "Algebra and geometry", Yaroslavl
- 14-21 August 2011 School of Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Ekaterinburg
- 1-4 September 2011 Conference in honor of Fedor Bogomolov's 65th birthday, Moscow
- 5-9 September 2011 Workshop "Derived categories in Algebraic Geometry", Moscow
- 3-7 October 2011 International conference "Geometric structures on complex manifolds", Moscow
- 5-6 April 2012 International conference "Arithmetic Days", Moscow
- 11-14 April 2012 Seminar "Hyperkähler manifolds", Warsaw, Poland (organized with the participation of the staff of the Laboratory)
- 23-27 April 2012 International conference "Birational and affine geometry", Moscow
- 21-25 May 2012 International conference "Geometry of Kaehler manifolds" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Fedor Bogomolov, Nantes, France (organized with the participation of the staff of the Laboratory)
- 4-9 June 2012 International conference "Algebra and Geometry" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Askold G. Khovanskii, Moscow
- 25-31 July 2012 Second summer school for students "Algebra and geometry", Yaroslavl
- 10-14 September 2012 The First International Workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Particle Physics and String Theory "Relation of String Theory to Gauge Theories and Moduli Problems of Branes", Moscow
- 17-21 September 2012 Workshop on complex geometry and foliations, dedicated to the memory of Marco Brunella, Moscow
- 24-26 October 2012 Annual memorial conference "Algebraic and differential geometry of Andrey Tyurin", Moscow
- 19-23 November 2012 International conference "Zeta functions", Moscow
- 3-7 December 2012 International conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Viktor Kulikov, Moscow
- 1-11 May 2013 XII International school ITEP - HSE - ITP in theoretical and mathematical physics, Sevastopol, Ukraine
- 13-17 May 2013 Conference "Diophantine Geometry", Moscow
- 20-22 May 2013 International conference "Arithmetic days", Saint-Petersburg
- 20–25 May 2013 Summer conference and school on complex analysis and algebraic geometry, Yaroslavl
- 25-31 July 2013 Third summer school for students "Algebra and geometry", Yaroslavl
- 2-6 September 2013 Conference "Global fields", Moscow
- 7-10 October 2013 International scientific-practical conference "Mathematics in the Modern World" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian mathematician D.A. Grave, Vologda
- 22-25 October 2013 International conference "Geometry of algebraic manifolds" dedicated to the memory of V. A. Iskovskikh, Moscow
- 28 October 2013 Annual memorial conference dedicated to the memory of A.N. Tyurin, Moscow
- 14-20 December 2013 "Representation Theory and applications to Combinatorics, Geometry and Quantum Physics", Moscow
- 3-7 March 2014 School and seminar in algebraic geometry, Irkutsk
- 1-10 May 2014 13th International school on theoretical and mathematical physics, Dubna, Moscow region
- 11-16 May 2014 International conference "Topological and geometric methods in low-dimensional dynamical systems", Moscow
- 19-23 May 2014 A workshop on the Chow group of holomorphically symplectic manifolds, Moscow
- 23-27 June 2014 Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory, Moscow
- 14-18 July 2014 Workshop "Frontiers of rationality", Longyearbyen, Norway
- 24-31 July 2014 School "Algebra and Geometry", Yaroslavl
- 15-18 September 2014 International scientific conference dedicated to the 155th anniversary of I.V. Meshcherskiy "Current problems in mathematics, computer science and natural science knowledge", Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region
- 28 October 2014 Annual memorial conference dedicated to the memory of A.N. Tyurin, Moscow
- 10-14 November 2014 International conference on complex and birational geometry "Complex manifolds, dynamics and birational geometry", Moscow
- 1-5 December 2014 International conference "Zeta functions 5", Moscow
- 23 December 2014 One-day conference dedicated to the memory of V. A. Iskovskikh, Moscow
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