18 March 2020, Workshop on complex and algebraic geometry, Moscow
July 11, 2020, Zoomerfest: conference"/"Young Algebraic Geometers", online
September 30 - October 2, 2020, Online school of Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry
November 19, 2020, Workshop on birational geometry, online
25-29 March 2019, Workshop on Birational Geometry, Moscow
19-22 June 2019, HYPERKÄHLER EVENT, Moscow
24-29 July 2019, Summer school "Algebra and geometry", Yaroslavl
30-31 July 2019, Conference "Algebra and Geometry", Yaroslavl
29-31 October 2019, Workshop on Birational Geometry, Moscow
26-30 March 2018, Workshop on Birational Geometry, Moscow
25-29 June 2018, Summer school-conference on Brauer groups, Moscow
23-31 July 2018, Eighth summer school and conferencе "Algebra and geometry",Yaroslavl
29-31 October 2018, Workshop on Birational Geometry, Moscow
3-7 April 2017 Interetional Conference "Birational geometry in positive characteristic", Moscow
25-31 July 2017, Yaroslavl Seventh summer school "Algebra and geometry"
Workshop on Burational Geometry and Hyperkahler Saturday, 22-25 November, Moscow
4-8 April 2016 Conference "Sufaces in positive characteristics", Moscow
16-20 May 2016 Conference "Hyperbolic geometry and dynamics", Moscow
23-27 May 2016 Conference "Monge-Ampere equation and Calabi-Yau manifolds", Moscow
29-30 September 2016 International Conference in honor of Fedor Bogomolov's birthday, Moscow
14-18 November 2016 Conference "Groups of birational automorphisms", Moscow
25-31 July 2016, Yaroslavl Sixth summer school "Algebra and geometry"
16-22 February 2015 Algebraic structures in convex geometry, Moscow (in Russian)
18-22 May 2015 Workshop on rationally connected varieties, Moscow
7-12 September 2015 Workshop on Projective Algebraic Geometry, Moscow
Fifth summer school "Algebra and geometry", 25-31 July 2015, Yaroslavl
1-5 December 2014 International conference "Zeta Functions 5", Moscow
13-17 May 2013 Conference "Diophantine Geometry", Moscow
Third summer school for students "Algebra and geometry", 25-31 July 2013, Yaroslavl (in Russian)
2-6 September 2013 International Conference "Global Fields", Moscow
28 October 2013 Annual memorial conference dedicated to the memory of A.N. Tyurin, Moscow (in Russian)
5-6 April 2012 International conference "Arithmetic Days", Moscow (in Russian)
23-27 April 2012 International conference "Birational and affine geometry", Moscow
25-31 July 2012 Second summer school for students "Algebra and geometry", Yaroslavl
24-26 October 2012 Annual memorial conference "Algebraic and differential geometry of Andrey Tyurin", Moscow (in Russian)
19-23 November 2012 Forth International conference "Zeta functions", Moscow
14-18 March 2011 International conference "Instantons in complex geometry", Moscow
1-7 August 2011 Summer school for students "Algebra and geometry", Yaroslavl (in Russian)
1-4 September 2011 Conference in honour of Fedor Bogomolov's 65th birthday, Moscow
5-9 September 2011 International Workshop "Derived categories in Algebraic Geometry", Moscow
3-7 October 2011 International conference "Geometric structures on complex manifolds", Moscow
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