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Scientific group of the Laboratory

Bogomolov Fedor

Academic Supervisor

Amerik Ekaterina

Research Fellow

Avilov Artem

Research Fellow

Gorginyan Juliya

Research Intern

Grishina Olga


Guseva Lyalya

Research Intern

Kaledin Dmitry

Laboratory Head

Kiritchenko Valentina

Research Fellow

Kurnosov Nikon

Research Fellow

Kuznetsov Aleksandr

Research Fellow

Loginov Konstantin

Junior Research Fellow

Lvovsky Sergei

Research Fellow

Novikov Aleksandr

Research Intern

Prokhorov Yury

Research Fellow

Rosly Alexei

Research Fellow

Rovinsky Marat

Research Fellow

Shramov Konstantin

Research Fellow

Smirnov Evgeny

Research Fellow

Sonina Aleksandra

Research Intern

Timorin Vladlen

Research Fellow

Trepalin Andrey

Research Fellow

Zhdanovskiy Ilya

Research Fellow

Zhgoon Vladimir

Research Fellow

Zykin Alexey 

Research Fellow

       Associates members
Abugaliev Renatpostgraduate student, HSE
Arkhipova Arinapostgraduate student, HSE
Deev Rodionpostgraduate student, New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Ionov Andreipostgraduate student, HSE
Komatsudani Quispe Midorypostdoc
Korshunov Dmitrii          postgraduate student, IMPA
Kubrak  Dmitry   postgraduate student, MIT
Kuyumzhiyan KarinePhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Mathematics, HSE
Orevkov, Stepan        Steklov Mathematical Inst.
Papayanov Grigorypostgraduate student, Northwestern University
Petrov Aleksandrpostgraduate student, Harvard University
Pirozhkov Dmitrypostgraduate student, Columbia University
Polishchuk AlexanderPhD, Professor, University of Oregon
Positselski  Leonid       PhD
Savateev YuryPhD, research fellow, Birkbeck, University of London
Sechin PavelPhD, postdoc, The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE)
Shoikhet BorisPhD, Associate Professor, University of Antwerp
Skripchenko AlexandraPhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Mathematics, HSE
Soldatenkov AndreyPhD, posdoc, Mathematical Institute, Humboldt-University of Berlin
Timorin VladlenDr.Sc., PhD, Professor, Faculty of Mathematics, HSE
Viktorova Alexandra   postgraduate student, Stony Brook University, New York
Zavyalov Bogdanpostgraduate student, Stanford University
Dmitrii Korshunov


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