Daniel Bergh
Daniel Bergh (Stockholm University) visited Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry by the invitation of the research fellow S. Gorchinskiy in June 2015.
June 19th he gives a talk "Destackification and weak factorisation of orbifolds" at the weekly seminar of the Laboratory
June 19th he gives a talk "Destackification and weak factorisation of orbifolds" at the weekly seminar of the Laboratory
Abstract: In this seminar, I will discuss weak factorisation of birational maps between algebraic stacks. According to the weak factorisation theorem by J.Wlodarczyk, any birational map between smooth, complete varieties over the complex numbers can be factored as a sequence of blow-ups and blow-downs in smooth centers. Algebraic stacks are generalisations of algebraic varieties which, heuristically, can thought of as varieties with stabiliser groups attached to each of their points. It turns out that ordinary blow-ups do not suffice to obtain weak factorisation for stacks. I will outline how one can achieve weak factorisation for certain stacks, namely orbifolds, using so-called stacky blow-ups via a process we call destackification. This work is joint with David Rydh.
Daniel Bergh "Functorial destackification of tame stacks with abelian stabilisers" arXiv:1409.5713v1
Daniel Bergh "Functorial destackification of tame stacks with abelian stabilisers" arXiv:1409.5713v1
Announcement (DOC, 31 Kb)
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