Piotr Pragacz
Piotr Pragacz (IM PAN, Warszawa) visited Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry by the invitation of the research fellow V.A. Kiritchenko on November 2015.
November 20th he gives a talk "On diagonals of flag bundles" at the Weekly seminar of Laboratory.
Abstract: We express the diagonals of projective, Grassmann and, more generally, flag bundles of type A using the zero schemes of some vector bundle sections. We do the same for the single point subschemes in flag bundles. We discuss diagonal and point properties related to flag bundles. We study when the complex manifolds G/B for other groups have the point and diagonal properties. This is a work in progress with Shizuo Kaji.
November 20th he gives a talk "On diagonals of flag bundles" at the Weekly seminar of Laboratory.
Abstract: We express the diagonals of projective, Grassmann and, more generally, flag bundles of type A using the zero schemes of some vector bundle sections. We do the same for the single point subschemes in flag bundles. We discuss diagonal and point properties related to flag bundles. We study when the complex manifolds G/B for other groups have the point and diagonal properties. This is a work in progress with Shizuo Kaji.
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