Agnieszka Bodzenta-Skibinska
Agnieszka Bodzenta-Skibinska (University of Edinburgh) visited Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry on May-June 2017
June 2th she gave a talk Canonical divisors revisited - categorical approach at the seminar of Laboratory.
Abstract:Properties of the canonical sheaf are one of the first invariants of an algebraic variety considered in birational geometry. I will describe how canonical divisors appear in the study of derived categories of birationally equivalent varieties. I will prove that, given a birational morphism, the canonical bundle and its restriction to relative canonical divisors provide a tilting generator for one category over another. I will also discuss related quasi-hereditary algebras and a system of t-structures.

June 2th she gave a talk Canonical divisors revisited - categorical approach at the seminar of Laboratory.
Abstract:Properties of the canonical sheaf are one of the first invariants of an algebraic variety considered in birational geometry. I will describe how canonical divisors appear in the study of derived categories of birationally equivalent varieties. I will prove that, given a birational morphism, the canonical bundle and its restriction to relative canonical divisors provide a tilting generator for one category over another. I will also discuss related quasi-hereditary algebras and a system of t-structures.

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