Alexander Perry
Alexander Perry visited Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry by the invitation of the Laboratory head A. Kuznetsov
28 November 2013 Alexander Perry gives a talk "Derived categories and Hodge theory of some Fano 4-folds" at Seklov Mathematical Institute.
Abstract: I will talk about Fano 4-folds of Picard number 1, degree 10, and index 2. They are similar to cubic 4-folds in many respects. In particular, the derived category of such a 4-fold X admits a semiorthogonal decomposition into an exceptional sequence and an interesting 2-Calabi-Yau category A_X. I will discuss how rationality of X relates to the condition that A_X is equivalent to the derived category of a K3 surface, and also connections between A_X and the Hodge theory of X.
11 December 2015 Alexander Perry gives a talk "Categorical joins" at the Weekly seminar of Laboratory
Abstract: I will describe a categorical version of the classical join of two projective varieties, its relation to homological projective duality, and applications. This is work in progress with Alexander Kuznetsov.

28 November 2013 Alexander Perry gives a talk "Derived categories and Hodge theory of some Fano 4-folds" at Seklov Mathematical Institute.
Abstract: I will talk about Fano 4-folds of Picard number 1, degree 10, and index 2. They are similar to cubic 4-folds in many respects. In particular, the derived category of such a 4-fold X admits a semiorthogonal decomposition into an exceptional sequence and an interesting 2-Calabi-Yau category A_X. I will discuss how rationality of X relates to the condition that A_X is equivalent to the derived category of a K3 surface, and also connections between A_X and the Hodge theory of X.
11 December 2015 Alexander Perry gives a talk "Categorical joins" at the Weekly seminar of Laboratory
Abstract: I will describe a categorical version of the classical join of two projective varieties, its relation to homological projective duality, and applications. This is work in progress with Alexander Kuznetsov.
Announcement (DOC, 34 Kb)
(DOC, 34 Кб)

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