Andrzej Zuk
Andrzej Zuk (Paris 7) visited Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry in May 2018 at the invitation of Research Fellow Ekaterina Amerik.
On May 21th 2018 Andrzej Zuk gave a talk "PDEs, automata and groups" at the seminar of Laboratory.
We present a construction which associates to the KdV equation the lamplighter group. It uses the L2 Betti numbers introduced by Atiyah which are homotopy invariants of closed manifolds.

On May 21th 2018 Andrzej Zuk gave a talk "PDEs, automata and groups" at the seminar of Laboratory.
We present a construction which associates to the KdV equation the lamplighter group. It uses the L2 Betti numbers introduced by Atiyah which are homotopy invariants of closed manifolds.
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