Mauro Mariani
Mauro Mariani (Universita degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza") visited Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry by the invitation of the research fellow V.A. Timorin September 2015.
September 14th he gives a talk «Quasi-stationary measures and population dynamics» at the weekly seminar of the Laboratory
Abstract: I will give an overview of some motivations and some spectral techniques to prove the existence of quasi invariant measures for stochastic diffusion processes. I will next focus on some particular problems motivated by evolutionary biology.
September 14th he gives a talk «Quasi-stationary measures and population dynamics» at the weekly seminar of the Laboratory
Abstract: I will give an overview of some motivations and some spectral techniques to prove the existence of quasi invariant measures for stochastic diffusion processes. I will next focus on some particular problems motivated by evolutionary biology.
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