Миникурс "Introduction to quantum field theory and renormalization"
Начиная с 10.12.2013 (вторник), Vincent Rivasseau (Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France) прочитал миникурс «Introduction to quantum field theory and renormalization». Лекции прошли на факультете математики НИУ ВШЭ (ул. Вавилова, д.7) 10 декабря в ауд. 1001, 12 декабря в ауд. 311, 17 декабря в ауд. 1001, 19 декабря в ауд. 311 в 17.00.
Abstract: Quantum field theory (QFT) is a physical framework to reconcile quantum physics with special relativity. It has now gained a central role in theoretical physics and in many areas of pure and applied mathematics. Since its origin, QFT has been plagued by the problem of divergences, which lead to the formulation of the theory of renormalization. This procedure, which initially might have appeared as a computational trick, is now understood to be the heart of QFT. In fact, the so-called renormalization group approach elucidates why we are able to efficiently describe many complicated systems, from ferromagnetism to the standard model, and from polymer systems to optimization theory or financial mathematics, in terms of simple theories that depend on a small number of parameters.
The subject of the course will be to introduce the students to these ideas in a pedagogical and incremental approach without requiring too much prerequisites in theoretical physics. The plan will be roughly:
1) Useful tools; graphs, trees, flows of dynamical systems.
2) Feynman Graphs and their amplitudes
3) Mutiscale Analysis
4) Functional Methods and Finite Couplings Aspects
Written notes will be provided to the students that register in advance and send their emails to vincent.rivasseau@gmail.com
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