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Video / Видеозаписи отдельных лекций и мини-курсов

2024 - 2025

Плейлист с записями семинаров


17 January 2020 Dennis Gaitsgory, (Harvard) The "restricted" stack of local systems and geometric Langlands with nilpotent singular support


18 January 2019 Fedor Bogomolov, "On base varieties of lagrangian abelian fibrations on projective hyperkahler manifolds" (in Russian)

15 February 2019 Ivan Cheltsov, " Borisov-Alexeev-Borisov conjecture and its applications" (in Russian)

28 February 2019 Michel Brion, "Automorphism groups of almost homogeneous varieties"

12 April 2019 Charles Fougeron, "Lyapunov exponents and surface groups representations"

19 April 2019 Марат Ровинский, "Циклы как модули над конечными соответствиями" (in Russian)

23 August 2019, Fedor Bogomolov, "On some problems in algebraic geometry and related areas (in Russian)

9 September 2019 Дмитрий Каледин, Сопряженность в 2-категориях (in Russian)

18 October 2019, Gueo Grantcharov, Relations between Laplace spectra and geometric quantizaton of Riemannian symmetric spaces

15 November 2019, Dirk Schleicher, How to find roots of polynomials — and how university students can do successful research on a century-old problem

22 November 2019, Антон Фонарёв, Обобщенные ступенчатые комплексы

29 November 2019, Лев Суханов, Неколлапсируемый двойственный комплекс вырождения

9 December 2019, Jinsong Xu, On the Jodan property of birational automorphism group of higher dimensional varieties


31 August 2018 Fedor Bogomolov, "Abelian fibrations" / Федор Богомолов "Абелевы расслоения" (in Russian)

14 September 2018 Fedor Bogomolov, "On $j$ invariants of the projective images of $4$-tuples torsion points" / Федор Богомолов, "On $j$ invariants of the projective images of $4$-tuples torsion points" (in Russian)

5 October 2018 Angelo Vistoli, "Essential dimension of finite groups"

10 October 2018 Jenia Tevelev, "Moduli and geography of stable surfaces" / Евгений Тевелев "Модули и география стабильных поверхностей" (in Russian)

12 October 2018 Ivan Cheltsov, "Fano threefolds of degree 22 with an infinite automorphism group" / Иван Чельцов "Трёхмерные многообразия Фано степени 22 с бесконечной группой автоморфизмов" (in Russian)

19 October 2018 Charles Favre, "Hybrid spaces and dynamics"

2 November 2018 Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, "Geometric recursion"

9 November 2018 Dennis Borisov, Построение киральных алгебр в дифференциальной геометрии (in Russian)

23 November 2018 Carlos Matheus Santos, Arithmetic Kontsevich—Zorich monodromies

7 December 2018 Илья Смилга, Действие группы Вейля на весовом пространстве нулевого веса (in Russian)

14 December 2018 Валерий Лунц, Когомологии алгебраического многообразия как представление полупростой алгебры Ли (in Russian)

24 December 2018 Nivedita Viswanathan, K-stability of singular polarized del Pezzo surfaces

28 December 2018 Anton Zorich, Flat and hyperbolic enumerative geometry


8 June 2016 Arnold day, Moscow (in Russian)

22-29 November 2016 Vladimir Berkovich's mini-course "Non-Archimedean analytic geometry", Moscow (in Russian)


2-5 April 2015 minicourse "Pro-etale cohomology", Moscow / Миникурс «Про-этальная теория когомологий» 2-5 апреля 2015 г., Москва


1-17 April 2014 Minicourse by Spencer J. Bloch (University of Chicago) "Periods in Algebraic Geometry", Moscow / Миникурс "Periods in Algebraic Geometry", Spencer J. Bloch (University of Chicago), 1-17 апреля 2014г., Москва

8-16 September 2014 Minicourse by Henri Darmon and Victor Rotger "Graduate mini-course on the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture", Moscow /
Цикл лекций А. Дармона и В. Ротхера "Эллиптические кривые и гипотеза Суиннертона-Дайера", 8-16 сентября 2014г., Москва


26 March-1 April 2013 Minicourse by Alexander Schmidt (Universitat Heidelberg) "Higher dimensional class field theory following Wiesend", Moscow /  Миникурс "Higher dimensional class field theory following Wiesend", Alexander Schmidt (Universitat Heidelberg), 26 марта-1 апреля 2013г., Москва

2-4 April 2013 Minicourse by Gabor Wiese (Universite du Luxembourg) "Modular Galois representations and applications", Moscow /
Миникурс "Modular Galois representations and applications", Gabor Wiese (Universite du Luxembourg), 2-4 апреля 2013г., Москва

21-29 May 2013 Minicourse by Antoine Ducros (Paris 6) and Jerome Poineau (Strasbourg) "Introduction to Berkovich analytic spaces", Moscow /
Миникурс "Introduction to Berkovich analytic spaces" Antoine Ducros (Paris 6) и Jerome Poineau (Strasbourg), 21-29 мая 2013г., Москва

24 May 2013 Talk by Jerome Poineau (Strasbourg) "Berkovich spaces over Z" at the extra weekly seminar of the Laboratory / Доклад Jerome Poineau (Strasbourg) "Berkovich spaces over Z" на внеочередном семинаре Лаборатории, 24 мая 2013г.

30 May 2013 Talk by Antoine Ducros "REAL DIFFERENTIAL FORMS AND CURRENTS ON p-ADIC ANALYTIC SPACES" at the seminar "Globus", Moscow / Доклад Antoine Ducros "REAL DIFFERENTIAL FORMS AND CURRENTS ON p-ADIC ANALYTIC SPACES" на семинаре "Глобус", 30 мая 2013г., Москва

17-21 June 2013 Minicourse by Kyoji Saito (IPMU, the University of Tokyo) "Four Lectures on Primitive Forms" (An introduction to complex analytic theory), Moscow /  Миникурс "Four Lectures on Primitive Forms" (An introduction to complex analytic theory), Kyoji Saito (IPMU, the University of Tokyo), 17-21 июня 2013г., Москва

19-26 June 2013 Minicourse by Adrien Deloro (Paris 6) "Basic model theory of algebraically closed field",   Moscow / Миникурс "Basic model theory of algebraically closed field", Adrien Deloro (Paris 6), 19-26 июня 2013г., Москва

29-31 October 2013 Minicourse by Arnaud Durand (Université Paris-Sud) "Introduction to the metric theory of Diophantine approximation", Moscow / Миникурс "Introduction to the metric theory of Diophantine approximation", Arnaud Durand (Université Paris-Sud), 29-31 октября 2013г., Москва


3-20 April 2012 Minicourse by Ivan Fesenko (University of Nottingham) / Миникурс И.Б. Фесенко (University of Nottingham) "Дзета функции арифметических поверхностей", 3-20 апреля 2012г., Москва

21 August 2012 Talk by Shing-Tung Yau "Period Integrals, Counting Curves and Mirror Symmetry" at the extra weekly seminar of the Laboratory /
Доклад Shing-Tung Yau "Period Integrals, Counting Curves and Mirror Symmetry" на внеочередном семинаре Лаборатории, 21 августа 2012г.

10 September 2012 Talk by Yuri I. Manin "F1: математический объект в поисках определения" at the extra weekly seminar of the Laboratory /
Доклад Ю.И. Манина "F1: математический объект в поисках определения" на внеочередном семинаре Лаборатории, 10 сентября 2012г.


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