A workshop on the Chow group of holomorphically symplectic manifolds
Страница конференции
Alexander Kuznetsov, Calabi-Yau subcategories and Fano manifolds of degree 10
Claire Voisin, Modified diagonals and Chow rings of Hyper-Kaehler manifolds. Part 1
Claire Voisin, Modified diagonals and Chow rings of Hyper-Kaehler manifolds. Part 2
Sergey Galkin, Lines on rational cubic fourfolds, and associated K3 surfaces
François Charles, Zarhin's trick for K3 surfaces and the Tate conjecture
Olivier Debarre, Birational transformations and periods for certain Fano manifolds
Eyal Markman, The Kawamata-Morrison conjecture for the ample cone of a hyper-Kahler variety
François Charles, Bertini irreducibility theorems over finite fields. Part 1
François Charles, Bertini irreducibility theorems over finite fields. Part 2
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