Christian Lehn
Кристиан Лен (Chemnitz University of Technology) посетил Лабораторию в декабре 2019 г. по приглашению научного сотрудника Лаборатории Н.М. Курносова.
9 декабря 2019 г. Кристиан Лен выступил с докладом «Новое доказательство глобальной теоремы Торелли для голоморфно симплектических многообразий» (A new proof of the Global Torelli Theorem for holomorphic symplectic varieties) на научном семинаре Лаборатории.
Аннотация доклада:
In a joint work with Benjamin Bakker, we develop a theoretical framework to approach the global moduli theory of certain singular symplectic varieties. Our work is based on new results about the deformation theory of these varieties together with the notion of ergodic complex structures which has been introduced by Verbitsky and used to study for example hyperbolicity questions. I will explain how to use these techniques to prove a Global Torelli theorem for the varieties in question. Our result in particular gives a new proof of Verbitsky's Global Torelli Theorem for irreducible symplectic manifolds as soon as the second Betti number is at least 5.
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