Jinsong Xu
18 декабря 2019 г. Jinsong Xu выступил c докладом «О свойстве Жордана для групп бирациональных автоморфизмов многомерных многообразий» (On the Jodan property of birational automorphism group of higher dimensional varieties) на научном семинаре Лаборатории.
Аннотация доклада: A classical theorem of Jordan states that there exists a constant J(n) such for any finite subgroup G of GL(n), one may find an abelian subgroup G_0 of G with index at most J(n). For the last decade, this property has been studied for many other groups by Serre, Prokhorov, Shramov, Popov, Zarhin etc. In this talk we survey the current state of art, and present a conjectural characterization of those varieties whose birational automorphism groups are not Jordan
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