Семинар Лаборатории алгебраичексой геометрии: Павел Сафронов (Женева)
Семинар состоится 21 апреля 2017 г., начало в 17:00, аудитория 306
На семинаре с докладом Introduction to derived Poisson geometry with examples выступит Павел Сафронов (Женева)
Derived Poisson geometry studies higher Poisson structures on (derived) algebraic stacks. I will explain what higher Poisson structures are and how to define them on stacks following the work of Calaque, Pantev, Toen, Vaqui'e and Vezzosi. Moreover, one can define an interesting generalization of the notion of a coisotropic submanifold in this context which I will describe following joint work with Melani. In the second half of the talk I will give several examples of these constructions some of which come from Poisson-Lie groups.