Giovanni Mongardi
24 мая он выступил на семинаре Лаборатории с докладом на тему: "Calabi Yau quotients of hyperkahlers".
Abstract: In this talk, I will speak about a joint work with C. Camere and A. Garbagnati. We analyze which calabi yau manifolds can be obtained as resolution of quotients of hyperkahler manifolds by non symplectic automorphism. More specifically, we will deal with the case of fourfolds modulo an involution, which gives a wide range of examples. In the natural case, we also compute the Hodge numbers of the Calabi Yau manifolds.
26 мая он выступил на семинаре Лаборатории с докладом на тему: "Hodge numbers of the O'Grady six dimensional manifold".
Abstract: In this talk, i will speak about a joint work with A. Rapagnetta and G. Sacca. In it, we realize O'Grady's six dimensional example of irreducible holomorphic symplectic manifold as a quotient of an IHS manifold of K3$^{[3]}$--type by a birational involution, thereby computing its Hodge numbers.
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