Видеоматериалы международной конференции "Algebra and Geometry", посвященной 65-летию А.Г. Хованского
Международная конференция "Algebra and Geometry", посвященная 65-летию А.Г. Хованского
4-9 июня 2012 г., Независимый Московский Университет, Москва
4 июня:
5 июня:
6 июня:
7 июня:
4 июня:
Michel Brion; On connected automorphism groups of algebraic varieties
Suess, Hendrik; Kahler-Einstein metrics on symmetric T-VarietiesKarpenkov, Oleg; Toric singularities of surfaces and lattice trigonometry
Feigin, Evgeny; PBW degeneration of flag varieties in type
Smirnov, Evgeny; Schubert polynomials and Catalan-Hankel determinants
Alexander Esterov; Discriminant of system of equations
Kuyumzhiyan, Karine; Simple G-modules with normal closures of maximal torus orbits
Bazhov, Ivan; Automorphisms of Toric Varieties
5 июня:
Sergei Yakovenko; Limit cycles around Askold Khovanski
Christian Okonek; Intrinsic signs and lower bounds in real algebraic geometry
Duzhin, Sergei; On a remarkable dynamical system in the real plane
Dmitry Novikov and Gal Binyamini; Bounds on multiplicity of non-isolated Noetherian intersections
Skopenkov, Mikhail; Surfaces containing several circles through each point
Aleksandr Pukhlikov; On the multiplicity of solutions of a system of algebraic equations
Panov, Alexander; Representations and characters of unipotent groups
6 июня:
Joseph Bernstein; Working with pseudo-differential operators without Fourier transform
Alexandre Eremenko; The Wronski map, Schubert calculus and pole placement
Lerario, Antonio; Complexity of intersection of quadrics
7 июня:
Jim Carrell; Some Remarks on Smooth Schubert Varieties
Alexander Varchenko; Homogeneous XXX Heisenberg model and pairs of polynomials satisfying the equation f(u)g(u-1)-f(u-1)g(u)=(u+1)^n
Sachkov, Yuri L.; Left-invariant sub-Riemannian problems on low-dimensional Lie groups
Boris Khesin; Integrability of higher pentagram maps
Panina, Gaiane; Virtual polytopes: a survey
Nathan Ilten; Deformations of Complete Toric Varieties
Ignatyev, Mikhail and Eliseev, Dmitry; Tangent cones to Schubert varieties
Kotenkova, Polina; On restriction of roots on affine T-varieties
8 июня:
Oleg Viro; Layers of tropical geometry
Victor Batyrev; The arc space of horospherical varieties and motivic integration
Burda, Yuri; Topological Methods in Klein's Resolvent Problem
Barbot, Thierry; Initial singularity of flat Lorentzian spacetimes
Bihan, Frederic; Fewnomial bounds for tropical systems
Benjamin Nill; Multiples of lattice polytopes with no interior lattice points
Osipov, Denis; New reciprocity laws on algebraic surfaces
Perepechko, Alexander; Flexibility of affine cones over del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4 and 5
9 июня:
Viacheslav V. Nikulin; The transition constant for arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups
Maxim Kazaryan; Topological recursion for descendant Hurwitz potential
Timashev, Dmitry; Symplectic varieties with invariant Lagrangian subvarieties (joint work with Vladimir Zhgoon)
Mazin, Mikhail; Jacobi Factors of Quasihomogeneous Plane Curve Singularities
Dosi, Anar; Lie-operator rings and noncommutative affine schemes
Abramov, Yaroslav; Systems of resultants
Anisimov, Artem; Double coset varieties and spherical homogeneous spaces
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