Igor Krylov
Igor Krylov (The University of Edinburgh, Max Planck Institute) visited Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry by the invitation of the research fellow K.Shramov
February 19th 2016 he gave a talk «Classification and birational rigidity of del Pezzo fibrations with an action of the Klein simple group» at the weekly seminar of the Laboratory.
Abstract: Let G be a finite subgroup of Cremona group. Study of embeddings of G into the Cremona group is equivalent to study of G-birational geometry of rational G-Mori fiber spaces. This approach works particularly well for simple subgroups. I prove that any del Pezzo fibration over projective line with an action of the Klein simple group is either P^2xP^1 or a certain del Pezzo fibration X_n of degree 2. Variety X_n has 2n quotient singularities of the type 1/2(1,1,1). I prove that varieties X_n are rigid, in particular not rational, for n>2.
February 8th 2017 he gave a talk at the seminar of the Laboratory.
February 19th 2016 he gave a talk «Classification and birational rigidity of del Pezzo fibrations with an action of the Klein simple group» at the weekly seminar of the Laboratory.
Abstract: Let G be a finite subgroup of Cremona group. Study of embeddings of G into the Cremona group is equivalent to study of G-birational geometry of rational G-Mori fiber spaces. This approach works particularly well for simple subgroups. I prove that any del Pezzo fibration over projective line with an action of the Klein simple group is either P^2xP^1 or a certain del Pezzo fibration X_n of degree 2. Variety X_n has 2n quotient singularities of the type 1/2(1,1,1). I prove that varieties X_n are rigid, in particular not rational, for n>2.
February 8th 2017 he gave a talk at the seminar of the Laboratory.
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